New Delhi: At the end of the year, Samsung launched its cheapest phone, which has RAM and storage equal to expensive phones. The price of the phone is only Rs 8,249 in the deal and this phone is available on Amazon from today. If you want to buy another new launch phone in the budget of 10 thousand rupees, then definitely check the deal of Tecno POVA 4 phone. Its features are also very powerful and the price is very low.
1-Samsung Galaxy M04 Dark Blue, 4GB RAM, 64GB Storage | Upto 8GB RAM with RAM Plus | MediaTek Helio P35 | 5000mAh Battery
- The price of this phone is Rs 11,4999 but after a 17% discount in the launching offer, it is available for Rs 9,499. There is an instant cashback of thousand rupees on payment from SBI card, after which you can buy the phone for just Rs 8,499.
- The phone has two options of Green and Black color. The phone has 13MP and 2MP rear camera and 5MP front camera. The phone has a 6.5 inch screen.
- The biggest feature of this phone is RAM and storage which will not be available in this budget phone. This phone has 64GB of storage with up to 4GB of RAM. The second variant has 128GB of storage with up to 4GB of RAM.
- The phone has MTK P35 processor and 5000mAh battery to last the whole day. The operating system of the phone is Android 12 and it will have free upgrade of the operating system for 2 years.
2-Tecno POVA 4
- If you want to see the option of another phone in the range of this very cheap phone of Samsung, then Tecno POVA 4 is the latest phone. The price of the phone is Rs 14,999, but in the launching offer, you can buy the phone for Rs 11,999 after a discount of 17%.
- Cashback of Rs 1,199 on the phone, after which the phone will be available for only Rs 10,000. There is an exchange bonus of Rs 10,650 on the phone.
- The phone has a 6.8-inch Dot-in display. The phone has dual stereo speakers with DTS sound The phone has a 50MP high resolution dual camera The phone has super night shot and video modes Also it has an 8MP front camera
- The phone has 13GB of expandable RAM and 128GB of storage. It has a Helio G99 processor, which also has HyperEngine 2.0 Lite game engine, so that the phone can enjoy gaming in fast speed. The phone has a large powerful battery of 6000mAh and with 10 minutes of fast charging, it gets charged for 10 hours.