Aditi Tiwari, a student of NIT Patna, has created history by securing a job offer from Facebook with a whopping salary package of Rs 1.6 crore. This makes her the highest-ever paid student to be placed from her institute. The recent placement season has been a big success for NIT Patna, despite the ongoing job crisis in the country caused by the pandemic. Tiwari's achievement has brought immense pride to her family, including her father, who works at Tata Steel, and her mother, who is a government school teacher. Congratulations to Aditi on this remarkable feat!
Despite the pandemic and the ongoing job crunch, Aditi Tiwari, a student of NIT Patna, has made headlines by securing a job offer with Facebook as a front-end engineer with a record-breaking package of Rs 1.6 crores. This marks the highest-ever package acquired by a student during placements at NIT Patna, where the previous highest package offered was Rs 50-60 lakhs. The institute's training and placement cell confirmed the news.
Dr. Shailesh M Pandey, NIT Patna's Training and Placement Officer, praised Aditi's achievement, saying that it is a matter of pride for the institute that despite the pandemic, students like Aditi are excelling in their studies and careers. Aditi's success also sets a new five-year record for the institute's placement season.
Aditi's parents, a Tata Steel employee and a government school teacher, must be proud of their daughter's achievement. Congratulations to Aditi on her success!