A tea-seller was recently nabbed for duping more than 50 people on the tune of Rs 14 lakhs by posing as an IPS officer. The accused, identified as Vikas Gautam alias Vikash Yadav is a class 8 dropout. However, he posed as an IIT-Kanpur graduate and a 2020 batch IPS officer (UP Cadre). The accused primarily trapped his victims through social media, by making a profile on Instagram, which as per the screenshots floating on internet, has over twenty-thousand followers.
As per police, the accused became obsessed with IAS aspirants who took coaching from prominent institutes in Delhi. In his obsession, he went on to create a fake identity of IPS officer Vikash Yadav, while he sold tea in front of a coaching centre. Moreover, he also made use of his fake identity to then get work from various government departments in exchange for ‘monetary favours’.
The matter came to the fore after a female doctor in Delhi filed a complaint against accused. Reportedly, she connected with Vikas on Instagram and the duo bonded. Later, the accused asked her Rs 25,000 for his mother’s treatment.
When the complainant sensed something fishy, she filed a complaint and an investigation was launched. Later, the accused was found in Gwalior. A case of cheating and forgery was registered against Vikas.