On Sunday, Miss Universe 2021 Harnaaz Sandhu was seen emotionally breaking down and feeling nostalgic while passing on the crown to the pageant winner 2022. USA's R'bonney Gabriel became the Miss Universe 2022.
Of the 86 contestants from around the world competing for the Miss Universe title, USA's R'bonney Gabriel made her win at the ceremony held in New Orleans, United States, on Sunday. The moment when the former winner walked on the stage to greet the next crown, Miss Universe 2021 Harnaaz Sandhu was seen emotionally breaking down and feeling nostalgic. A video of her crying and nearly falling down has surfaced on social media and gone viral. Watch video:
Hold back tears as @HarnaazKaur takes the stage one last time as Miss Universe! #MISSUNIVERSE pic.twitter.com/L0PrH0rzYw
— Miss Universe (@MissUniverse) January 15, 2023
In the viral video, we can see Sandhu, dressed in black, holding back tears as she blew kisses in the air. "I was 17-years-old when I first took the the stage and since then becoming Miss Universe was my goal," the 22-year-old's voiceover played as she was welcomed onto the stage.
"I've been given the megaphone on a worldwide stage to present the topic of menstrual equity before world leaders asking them to keep this conversation ongoing." She also thanked the Miss Universe Organisation for helping her make her voice heard.