In Thane, Maharashtra, a 30-year-old man killed his 12-year-old sister upon discovering bloodstains on her clothes, assuming that she had engaged in sexual activity.
The young girl had just begun menstruating a few days prior, and was unaware of the physical changes taking place in her body.
The man, who resided with his sister and sister-in-law in Ulhasna, burned her with tongs on multiple parts of her body, causing severe injuries.
He accused her of having an affair, but the child was unable to explain the bloodstains. The girl was later taken to Central Hospital in Ulhasnagar, where she was declared dead. A murder case has been filed under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, and a post-mortem examination has been ordered for the girl's body.
Thane, Maharashtra, murder case, menstruation, 30-year-old man, 12-year-old sister, infidelity, outrage.