A video has gone viral on social media, leaving many lads scratching their heads. In this video, an elderly uncle wears a ‘sehra’ on his head, while his wife is half his age. The wife of the old uncle is not only younger, but also more gorgeous than the uncle’s expectations. In such a case, everyone believes that Uncle has won the lottery.
Although many things go popular on social media, some photographs and videos are just remembered. Everyone’s head is spinning after witnessing the old uncle and the young bride in the viral video.
Netizens’ hilarious reactions
Both the young bride and the elderly husband appear to be having a good time in this video. On this video, netizens have made a variety of amusing remarks. Some individuals believe that the grapes are in the hands of a baboon. Another user, on the other hand, believes that old is gold.
The age of the uncle seen in the video is between 55-60 years, while the age of the bride is claimed to be only 18 years. Uncle’s laughter is plainly obvious, while the bride is also not able to disguise her satisfaction by smiling quietly.
Looking at the video, one could see the uncle needed a crutch to walk, yet during the wedding video shoot, he hid his stick and kept it to the side. Simultaneously, when netizens witnessed this scene, they chuckled.
One user joked that because horses don’t get enough grass, donkeys eat Chyawanprash. This video was uploaded on the funtaap page.